Brand and event analytics are an important part of event production.
Without analytics you won’t have enough data to make informed decisions about the next steps you should take.
Our analytics are a constant work in progress. However, at the current time you can see great metrics.
Event Analytics
Event Views
How many people looked at the event page.
Total Virtual Access Sales
Quantity of tickets sold for virtual attendance.
Total Donation Sales
How much you've made off of donations.
Promo Code Usage
How many promo codes were used on the event.
Total Sales (Revenue)
All sales for the event.
Total Promoters
How many promoters have you signed up to sell on your behalf.
Total In-Person Access Sales
Quantity of tickets sold for in-person attendance.
Total Sales (Quantity)
Quantity of all access sold for the event.
Total Promoter Sales
How much revenue promoters have brought in.
App Statistics
Access Scanned In (non unique)
Total scans throughout the event.
Access Scanned In (unique)
The number of unique QR codes that were scanned in.
Access Scanned Out (non unique)
Total times people were scanned out of the event.
Access Scanned Out (unique)
The number of unique QR codes that were scanned out.
Return Scans
How many people returned after being scanned out.
Total Access Not Scanned
Number of QR codes not scanned.
Data tracking is easy with INCREDEVENT
Incredible Features for Event Planners
by Event Planners
Access/Ticket Types
Bundle Pricing
Comps & Will Call
Email Your Buyers
Scanning app
Promoter Dashboard
Virtual Events
Buyer Data
Discounts & Bundles
Event Dashboard
Guest Lists & VIP
Password Protect Tickets/Access
White Labelling
Brand Dashboard
Clone Event
Easy Event Creation
Fee Structure Options
In-Person Events
Payment Processing Options
Reserved Seating
User Permissions