Password Protected Tiers
Do you want to ensure that only select users can buy particular access? Look that tier down with our password protected tiers feature. Create exclusivity and drive others positively mad when they can’t access the next level of our event!
Password protection is easy! Just create a tier, click a checkbox and put in your password.
This is extremely popular with large events and for Meet & Greet passes.
Oh, and it’s easy to change the password too if you have some bad actors spreading it around! J
Just edit your event and slide in that new password to protect the tier as many times as you need.
Incredible Features for Event Planners
by Event Planners
Access/Ticket Types
Bundle Pricing
Comps & Will Call
Email Your Buyers
Scanning app
Promoter Dashboard
Virtual Events
Buyer Data
Discounts & Bundles
Event Dashboard
Guest Lists & VIP
Password Protect Tickets/Access
White Labelling
Brand Dashboard
Clone Event
Easy Event Creation
Fee Structure Options
In-Person Events
Payment Processing Options
Reserved Seating
User Permissions