Products are growing and getting more robust as we continue to build out features on INCREDEVENT.
Currently, you can list products with variants, offer products in checkout upsells, and incorporate products into your event page.
Examples of products sold on INCREDEVENT:
courses, white papers, guides, PDFs, shirts, posters, mugs, drink tickets, and more!
Coming in the future: products without variants, product only event pages with special features, expanded product views and information, among many others!
We’ll be honest, we didn’t expect products to be as popular as they are so we’ll definitely be giving this part of the site some TLC.
Incredible Features for Event Planners
by Event Planners
Access/Ticket Types
Bundle Pricing
Comps & Will Call
Email Your Buyers
Scanning app
Promoter Dashboard
Virtual Events
Buyer Data
Discounts & Bundles
Event Dashboard
Guest Lists & VIP
Password Protect Tickets/Access
White Labelling
Brand Dashboard
Clone Event
Easy Event Creation
Fee Structure Options
In-Person Events
Payment Processing Options
Reserved Seating
User Permissions